Manufacturing Safety for Manitoba

Made Safe excited to announce Safety in Numbers partnership

Made Safe excited to announce Safety in Numbers partnership

Posted on April 8, 2018

Made Safe is excited to announce our partnership with Safety In Numbers – a web-based resource system designed to assist manufacturers with their compliance under the Safety and Health Legislation. Developed through extensive review of Manitoba Legislation and best practices, Safety In Numbers organizes, explains and scores your safety and health legislation. The components of the legislation are weighted to give a clear score that represents how your program is doing compared to regulatory requirements. Even better, Safety in Numbers provides answers, checklists and tools to help with the issues most programs struggle with. Safety in Numbers provides a true metric of your program. See at a glance how your program is doing: we’ve got safety’s number.

Check out the Some resources can be accessed without a membership on the What’s New page of the website.

Annual Subscriptions start at $300/year. Plus, Made Safe members are eligible for a 20 per cent discount. To take advantage of this offer,simply enter the Discount Code MADEsafe2017 on the Safety in Numbers registration page.

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